Friday, July 25, 2008

Rainbow Light

It kills me how blogger totally flattens any case, I will share some highlights of this session on my homepage when I'm finished editing but wanted to post this one - I was working for a little sun flare here from behind mom (Dana) and Coley (his name is Cole but she nicknamed him "Coley" which I thought was adorable)...anyway, the light was this beautiful rich orange/red color which, when I processed it and saturated everything, picked up a lot of the surrounding colors as, taking it a step further, I took total liberty and saturated the heck out of the beam of light which turned mom's hair into this rainbow cascade (she has this insanely long beautiful hair anyway as you can see).
I'm not sure what it is about an image sometimes - maybe that it fits all the rules so nicely or it hits on a purely emotional level or sometimes even because it's the complete opposite of everything you expect to see in an image...whatever it is, this picture hits me...or maybe it's the personal experience and remembering the sound of Coley's adorable laughter as we took this image.


sherry boles~ said...

What a GORGEOUS image!! The beauty...the emotion...It's just gorgeous!!!

Allison said...

This image totally moves me too! Mom is going to adore this one! And I love the color. pooh on Blogger.

Denise Snyder said...

Oh yeah... its just FULL of EMOTION!!!! Love it love it love it!!!!

Ali said...

Woah! Gorgeous Laura!