If you live in California, you already know what kind of a world we're living in right now. But if not, this was taken from my front porch and is pretty much the view we've had for the last two weeks. I wake up every morning hoping to see bright sunlight slashing through my windows but it's just been this persistant gray, ashen light. It makes me so unbelievably sad how badly California is suffering right now. And I know if I'm feeling bad, it's nothing compared to what the people who's homes are threatened or have been lost are feeling. Or the firefighters working endless hours. My nephew Nick is one of those firefighters who was fortunate to be home on the 4th of July but only because he had worked 21 straight days (I believe) in a row - which just by chance happened to fall before the holiday - and legally, could NOT work anymore. That's how endless and tiring their jobs are right now. So, this is a
HUGE BIG THANK YOU to all the firefighters who are working so hard to protect our land and homes. We appreciate you more than you know!
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