In any case, as time has gone on and I've had the opportunity to work with many large groups I've grown to love these sessions. I've grown comfortable weaving myself into family groups, enjoying watching them interact together while still being able to direct our session. I've learned the importance of having a plan, of asking for what I need to bring my vision to life even when I know - know - that sometimes people will laugh and feel downright silly doing it. I've learned to be okay with that because more often than not, it's those photos that bring out the smiles, the laughter and some of the most memorable images. And most importantly, I've learned (and am working at this in my own life) that plans are just that - plans. They are a loose guideline but in no way an absolute. Ultimatley, it's the people, the moment and the energy that determine the flow of the session. Following that, really letting people be themselves, is what makes for the very best sessions. And this family (below) was definitely one of those! I had a blast with this family. Their humor, energy and easy sense of style made this session an absolute joy. To see more of this family, as always, check out the Main homepage. :)

Great family shot Laura! Love it!
Laura I love your little voice!!! But seriously, you ROCK family sessions like this one and are such an inspiration to me!!!
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