Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back from Georgia!

You know that old saying, time flies when you're having fun? That was most definitely my weekend! Friday I boarded a plane and met up in with my friend Cindy of Cindy Harter Photography in Georgia (see post below for link to her website and amazing work!). Besides lots of girl chat (which was so great since it's been a long time since I've had girl chat!:)), it was a blast to be able to live, eat and breathe photography with another person who also lives, eats and breathes photography. A typical thing that we both laughed over...we drove to Atlanta for a day of shooting, parked the car, walked less than a block, saw this building and the gorgeous light and ended up spending the next few hours there. By the time we were done, most of our day was gone, we were drenched (wowzers, is it hot and humid there!!!! my knees were leaving prints on the floor just from kneeling while doing pictures) and it was time to head back to Cartersville.
And check out my hot mama friend!!! Isn't she stunning? She told me she was awkward in front of the camera - yeah, whatever! I don't know about you but I don't see anything awkward about these.

I love these last images...we were driving around with Cindy showing me some of her favorite shoot spots plus ones she has looked at and never explored. This was one of those. As we drove up, she said "you can see it, can't you?" I will probably never forget that because I remember looking at the field of grass and dirt and long buildings with no color or any particular character and saying "uh, well, I trust whatever you see." But we hopped out and began to play and before long, I was seeing all kinds of cool things. It reminded me how fun it is to just go for it sometimes - not to overanalyze, but just jump in and see what happens. Cindy is awesome at this - she told me she often takes her seniors and says 'lets just drive and see what we see.' I took her attitude to heart and brought it home with me. Thanks for the great reminder Cindy!


sherry boles~ said...

Beautiful images, Laura!
I really like the story of the last location. It's so inspiring to follow someone else's lead and see things in a whole new way. :)

Denise Snyder said...

Loved reading about your trip Laura... sounds like you guys had a blast! Cindy's definitely one hot mamma!!! LOL!

Ali said...

You took some stunning pictures of her Laura! Love the strobist work!

meggie said...

Cindy is such a knockout!!(combined with your photos, watch out!) I am so happy that you two had such a great visit!

Hayley said...

Loved reading about your guy's trip!! These photos of Cindy are amazing, as are the ones she took of you :)

Catie Ronquillo said...

lovely photos! again, nice to meet you yesterday! hope you were just as inspired as i felt afterwards. :)