A few months ago I began a serious evaluation of my business image but it wasn't until I attended the Free to Succeed Tour in SF with David Jay and Jasmine Star that I got the kick I needed to make some changes - as in, like, now. Anyone who listens to them - especially the extremely charismatic JS - who doesn't feel a kick to wring in some new action is seriously checked out. I made the drive home with my mind going 100 miles an hour and trying not to let my foot match my mind because even at that insanely late hour of the night, I was ready. If I could have commanded my body to snap to, I probably would have even set to work the minute I pulled in at 1am or so.
But reality check - in addition to this great job, I also have a spouse and three very talkative, happy, awake children at (if I'm lucky) 7am in the morning.
So, after getting some sleep, and meeting some extremely happy, awake children at 7am the next morning I set to work. Not wasting any time, I found a graphic designer for my logo, another designer for my blog and a brand, new, spiffy website (truth be told, I think I actually found it the week before but for the purpose of this story, to add to the motivation, I found it on the same day :)).
Besides my extremely supportive, understanding spouse, and happy, talkative children - this has been my life for the last 10 days. I mean, eating, breathing, thinking, sketching, playing, pondering my - as Jasmine said it - brand. I'm putting a brand to my business. After a year and a half in business, I finally feel like I'm getting it - my business, who we are, who we want to be. It's scary, fun and exciting all at the same time.
So - this is where we are at - my logo wrapped today (with big, huge thanks to Designs by Christa who was extremely patient with me and who's final design I'm beyond thrilled with and can't wait to share) and my blog is in the works. My website will be the last piece to settle into place.
[good] Sigh. The adrenline rush is wearing off...as is my usual style, I'll be crashing shortly, getting some much needed rest and then starting up again. But before I crash, back to editing I go - working on the cutie below this post.
Oh yeah, and those pics up top are, once again, my absolute fab fashion star wearing her absolute fab, awesome new shades.
Good night beautiful peeps!
Wow, great job Laura! I'm still trying to figure out exactly who I am and how that will reflect in my business. Can't wait to see all your changes!
You really make me laugh Laura... I'm exhausted reading all of that and so happy for you! I know its going to be awesome! Oh, and love that little cutie in the glasses!!
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