Monday, June 30, 2008

Let's Play the 'What If..." Game

Okay, you know you love this game - who doesn't? It's the 'What-if-I-were-a-millionaire' game where you think of all the things you'd do if you had the money. I love this game because I think it's so interesting to hear what people come up with. For example, get this - my spouse would like clean sheets everyday. Say what? Yup. Clean sheets. And a made bed (I may - may - be guilty of not always doing this task which is ironic because I'm a neat/clean freak but making the bed has always seemed like this totally pointless task to me considering not more than 14 hours later or something it's destroyed again... and more than likely, no one is going to see it from the time it's destroyed to the time it's essentially, who cares?! That's my reasoning anyway. Or - maybe it's just that sitting quietly with a cup of coffee before my kids gets up seems like a much better use of my time than making the bed - and much better for my sanity :)).
Anyway! Okay, so mine would be fresh flowers every week. A huge, big bouquet of beautiful, vibrant colored flowers. There is just something about it that makes my house feel extra special, extra beautiful, extra homey. And it just makes me smile.
Alright, and if I am actually a millionaire I could probably afford a few more things so while I'm at it, I'd like a chef. Mostly just to keep me out of the kitchen. Or the pantry. Where the chocolate is.
In any case, these flowers (below) are from a recent bouquet - which, with my great gardening skills (haha..haha..haha...haha) I should know the name of but of course I don't. They are my absolute favorite though so I thought I'd capture a few pics before they go to wilting.
Happy Monday everyone!


Allison said...

Oooo- these are so pretty!

I am with you on the bed making thing. MY spouse likes the bed made too, but I resist. What a futile task I say...

And if I was a millionaire, oh I would SO have a chef!!

Denise Snyder said...

LOL! I am soooooooo guilty of not making the beds!!! Glad I have good company! Laura these flower shots are stunning!!! Love the vibrant color! They look like gerbera daisies to me. Oh, and if I were a millionaire I'd want a cook and a driver. Two of my least favorite things to do!!!