Sunday, May 25, 2008

Goober, Gubber!

This is making my laugh and seriously, I'm so busy editing I shouldn't even be blogging but it's cracking me up. So, NOW my friend Denise, another hot photog friend who also apparently moonlights in the Grammar Queen field :) informs me I spelled 'gubber' wrong in my last post. Ahhhh....did I mention how much I love these girls? They always have my back! :) Okay, so my understanding is 'gubber' is urban slang and 'goober' is propper English. Yes? That was my intention anyway. But maybe I should just clear the air and set the playing field - for this blog, just expect spelling issues and grammar missteps. Let's just say it's part of my 'gubber' charm. :)

1 comment:

Denise Snyder said...

You are just too funny Laura! :)