I am so unbelievably excited to announce that we have our first Squash the Smoke poster! If you've been following along, you know Jordan Brown was selected to be the first anti-smoking role model. I even featured a sneak peek last month which you can check out if you missed, below. Jordan had a lot of great input for this poster plus he was willing to donate his time and thoughts during the creation process for which I'm very grateful. Thank you Jordan!!
If you're a local business, work at an elementary or high school or know somewhere that would be willing to display one of our campaign posters, please contact us! We will be releasing a poster twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. As of right now, we have our next STS role model lined up and are preparing to start work on the next poster.
Super cool campaign, Laura! I love it, and love that you're doing something for a noble cause. I can't wait to hear how it goes!
Wonderful poster, Laura! I wish you continued with this worthwhile campaign!
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