Friday afternoon I unexpectedly found myself with some free time (had to reschedule a session to next weekend due to some missing key elements - I'm SO excited about this commerical project! Let's just say it involves an amazingly talented lady and her company which is green-based (so cool)...but I can't talk about it yet! LOL! Details to follow soon.) and decided to pack up, hit the road and return to one of my old haunts. I felt like a kid again - stashing my laptop away, grabbing a sweatshirt, camera and flying by the seat of my pants as I headed out the door, no definite plans in sight, other than heading to the foothills. I ended up at one of my favorite old spots - if you're a local to Nevada City, you probabaly recognize it. If you're not, well, you'll just have to join me for an afternoon photo session to see it! :) It's gorgeous! I've always tried to capture the majestic beauty of this place and have never been thrilled with the results. So, this time instead of trying to capture it all, which is my first inclination when surrounded by such stunning scenery, I purposely turned my back to what draws me so much - this beautiful, tumbling river - and decided to find richness in the details. What I discovered was a cool old bridge with rusting ironwork and faded, funky colors, texture-rich rocks, and some gorgeous light. What follows are some photos from my afternoon 'adventure'.
A road-trip afternoon wouldn't be complete without some trusty, completely fat-free and totally healthy (ha) snacks! :)
Life wouldn't be complete without.... :)
Talk about gorgeous texture...
How cool is this?! Trying out a new ultra-wide angle lens - that's taken at a position of me holding the camera simply looking down and those are my legs and monopod!! So freaky!

There's my glorious light...
Oooohhhhh I really love the last two. Love that sunflare and the bridge.
Love the sunflare, and love the photos of the snacks. I guess I'm hungry now. :)
Love the one looking down at your feet, and OOOOOOOOOOOH the sunflare one on the bridge!!!! And the starbucks... I cant pass one without thinking of you!
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