...that I love so much?! I actually pulled these photos up as a mini-celebration. Yesterday I learned that after 12+weeks I'm FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY getting my settlement from AA for losing my luggage last October. Yes, that was LAST October! The absolute bummer is I didn't know electronics weren't covered when I flew so I had a Flashtraxx, lightmeter, extra camera batteries, memory cards, etc., packed in my bag that I basicly had to kiss goodbye. So there you go - in case you didn't know, jewelry and electronics are
not covered. Just consider me your little information barometer...unless, of course, I was the only one in the dark in which case maybe I need a little information barometer! :)
In any case, thought I'd share a couple fun grunge shots I took on the streets of New York. Now try to imagine a senior photo shoot with holy jeans, white shirt, flip flops and that cool, laid back Cali style we are so well known for! Are you feelin' me on the urban grunge yet? :)